Yamaha Motor Corp., U.S.A., has approved first quarter awards providing funding from its OHV Access Initiative, the industry leader in Guaranteeing Responsible Access to our Nation’s Trails (GRANTs), to deserving organizations across the country.
“Yamaha has approved new GRANTs to support organizations that span the country, from California to Vermont, serving the mission to promote safe, responsible riding and open, sustainable riding areas,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha ATV and SxS marketing manager. “Yamaha’s reach through the OHV Access Initiative is national, but the heart of the program resides in the local communities that enjoy increased family fun and economic development through safe, responsible OHV access.”
In just this past quarter, the Yamaha OHV Access Initiative awarded more than $85,000 to a variety of organizations including local riding clubs, regional BLM offices and the National FFA, illustrating the breadth of the program’s reach. The 2013 Q1 Yamaha GRANT recipients are:
- Bureau of Land Use Management, El Centro Field Office, California
- Coastal Off Road Riders Association, South Carolina
- Colorado Backcountry Trailriders Association
- Dirt, Inc., Idaho
- Electric City Dirt Riders, Montana
- National FFA Foundation
- Northwest Wyoming Off High Vehicle Alliance
- St. Helen Dirtpackers ORV Club, Michigan
- Vermont ATV Sportsman Association
Yamaha’s GRANT to the Northwest Wyoming Off Highway Vehicle Alliance – the first organization from Wyoming to submit a qualified application into the program – raises the total number of states in which GRANTs have been approved to 38.
Yamaha is actively seeking qualified projects at local, state and federal levels. The current OHV Access Initiative GRANT application form and guidelines are available online at www.yamahaohvaccess.com. The next deadline to submit a GRANT application is Saturday, June 29, 2013.
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